Fee policy

Our school is partially funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, but in order to cover our costs we have to charge parents Tuition Fee.

Tuition Fee Schedule

As of August 2024, the tuition fee for the full school year is € 6.850,00. The Fee is divided into three Tuition Fee Modules. Fees for July and August are settled in the Tuition Fee for 10 months per school year (unless the child(ren) start in July).

  • Tuition Fee Module 1 is € 2.850,00 for the first 3 months (until November)
  • Tuition Fee Module 2 is € 2.400,00 for the following 3 months (December through February)
  • Tuition Fee Module 3 is € 1.600,00 for the following 4 months (March through summer vacation)

For new pupils, payment of the invoice for the Registration Fee € 250,00 (non-refundable) and Tuition Fee Module 1 € 2.850,00 combined secures a place in the classroom after confirmation of placement for the child(ren) and is a condition for your child(ren) to start at the school.

For new pupils

Payment of the invoice for the Registration Fee € 250,00 (non-refundable) and Tuition Fee Module 1 € 2.850,00 combined secures a place in the classroom after confirmation of placement for the child(ren) and is a condition for your child(ren) to start at the school. Depending on the start date, Tuition Fee Module 2 and 3 are invoiced successively during the school year with the option to pay either within the payment term or to make a personal payment plan with several instalments in WIS Collect. In the event that a trial period is planned, and the school determines that the child cannot continue, Tuition Fee Module 1 will be refunded.

Payment policy

For every Tuition Fee invoice you'll receive, you are requested to register your payment choices into the payment system that school uses: WIS Collect. You are offered a choice to pay either within the payment term or to make a personal payment plan with several instalments (except for Tuition Fee Module 1 for new pupils). The tuition fee for the next month is always to be paid at the end of the previous month at the latest.

In case the employer is to be invoiced, please notify the financial administration to send an invoice for the annual Tuition Fee with payment term of 30 days to the company before every 1st of July (or in the application process for new pupils).


As much notice as possible is appreciated if you need to cancel the application or need to deregister your child(ren). A one month notice is applied. Please notify the administration at latest before 1st of June for the new school year.

When the child(ren) leave during the school year, the credit will be processed accordingly to the charged month rate in the Tuition Fee Module to date. We do not distinguish between beginning and end of the month when billing or crediting. Therefore, if a child begins or leaves mid-month, the entire first or last month of attendance is billed.

Please see this link for more information regarding de-registration.


See our Fee Structure 2024-2025.

See our Fee Structure 2025-2026

Please see the ‘admission procedure’ page for how to apply and the ‘admission criteria’ for the criteria as set by the Dutch government.

For financial questions, please e-mail financial@iwsth.org.

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The International Waldorf School of The Hague is a non-profit international primary school with a distinct educational vision. Engagement with societal developments in sustainability, peace, justice and well-being plays a key role in shaping our educational programme.