The Waldorf Kindergarten

The Waldorf Kindergarten, also known as the Steiner Kindergarten, is an alternative form of early childhood education developed by the Austrian philosopher and educator Rudolf Steiner.

The Waldorf approach is based on a holistic view of child development and aims to provide children with a supportive environment that stimulates their imagination, creativity and social skills. Unlike traditional preschool programs that have a strong academic focus, Waldorf Preschool places a strong emphasis on learning through play and hands-on activities.

Children are encouraged to explore the world around them through a range of sensory experiences including storytelling, music, movement and art.

Waldorf kindergarten main characteristics

One of the main characteristics of a Waldorf kindergarten is the emphasis on rhythm and routine.The day is structured around a range of activities that follow a predictable pattern, such as: Circle time, free play, snack time, outdoor play and rest time.

This gives children a sense of security and predictability, which can help them feel more relaxed and confident in their surroundings.

Another special feature of the Waldorf kindergarten is the use of natural materials and toys. Often made from natural materials such as wood, silk and wool, the toys are designed to be simple and limitless, allowing children to let their imagination and creativity run free.

Using natural materials is also believed to help children develop a deeper connection with the natural world and appreciate its beauty and complexity.

A photo of a young boy stacking wooden toys on top of each other

Waldorf Kindergarten teachers

Teachers play a key role in the development of the children in the Waldorf. Teachers are trained in the Waldorf approach and work to create a supportive and caring environment that encourages children's emotional, social and intellectual development. Teachers also work closely with parents to ensure children's needs are met both at home and at school.

One of the most notable differences between Waldorf preschool and traditional preschool programs is the lack of formal instruction in the first grades. While traditional programs often focus on early literacy and numeracy skills, Waldorf Preschool places more emphasis on whole child development, including emotional, social, and physical well-being. Children are encouraged to learn through play and exploration rather than through formal classes.

Overall, Waldorf Preschool is a unique and alternative form of early childhood education that emphasizes play-based learning, natural materials and a holistic approach to child development.

While it may not be the right fit for every child and family, it offers an alternative to traditional programs and can be a great option for those who value creativity, imagination, and a strong sense of community.

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The International Waldorf School of The Hague is a non-profit international primary school with a distinct educational vision. Engagement with societal developments in sustainability, peace, justice and well-being plays a key role in shaping our educational programme.