In the kindergarten classroom, all toys and playthings are made of natural materials. Wooden toys, as well as unformed natural materials, such as sand, water, sticks, shells, acorns and stones can provide hours of pleasure in which the children build their fantasy world.
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Natural Materials in the Classroom
The Primary School
The school provides all learning materials.
The children use special books in which they write and draw the processed subject matter of the main lesson/unit. These books are made of natural unbleached paper and often have beautifully coloured covers. To create the drawings in these main lesson books, the children use pencils and beeswax crayons.
During music lessons, the children learn to play the lyre and recorder. Children are also given further opportunities to explore other instruments.
As children progress through the primary years, more and more art materials and techniques are introduced.
The children use paints made from natural dyes. Spun wool and cotton are used to create small weaving and needlework projects. During the course of their primary school careers, children learn to knit, crochet, do cross-stitch embroidery and sew.
Sculpting with beeswax and clay modelling is also done, and possibly basket weaving, candle making and wood carving.
For the eurythmy lessons, the children use light slippers.

The International Waldorf School of The Hague is a non-profit international primary school with a distinct educational vision. Engagement with societal developments in sustainability, peace, justice and well-being plays a key role in shaping our educational programme.